Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Go green! go paper less!

Today in our daily life we people use lots of stuff that can't be recycled. So we should start preserving papers. Also in same we should use handkerchief instead of tissue, so we can save trees. Go green means not only save paper but save electricity, turn off lights when you are not using them. Save water , turn off tapes when you are done with it. Eat organic food which saves heat and electricity both. Go green friends and make this world more healthier and beautiful.


  1. Do you practice what you preach? I do try to do those things that you mentioned. It is a good idea to go green!!

  2. I agree about save trees in order save our planets.

  3. Hi Mihir definitely we can save our earth, hope you are fine thank you for adding me on Orkut . have a great weekend
