Saturday, October 31, 2009

indian chaat

I miss those days eating chaat in fornt of the road.I love to eat chaat especially pani puri.In India there is one special street for chat where you can eat different chaat from different chat.Nowadays there are some franchise company who runs small restaurant for fast food.Mostly chaat is spicy and sweet or just spicy.There are thousands of variety of chaat food all over India. Different state has there own speciality.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Market Watch

Today I gained $ 1086.00 in my stock market portfolio. Its amazing to win $ 1086.00 like a small lottery. I got 0.19% after a long time. I was dip in -25% percent than I just stopped watching market.Yesterday I was talking with my uncle about share market, so i checked my portfolio and i saw it .19% .I was like i can't believe it.This is a part of practise investment so please don't take it too hard and expect a party from me because this is all about fake investment.This is just about learning how to invest in market.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Working on desk is boring

Today i writing this blog from my office. When i came to my office i was bombarded with some many folders.The most worst part is i have to read a contract which contains 180 pages to make sure that shipment should be completely packed.Also i have search on website for medical markings for shipment that contains 39 pages.From my job i m learning lots of things.Imagine a 18 year old boy works in office.Also by reading lots of pages my memorizing power is improved.This the reason Barby for annoying you to go home early because of lots of lots of paper work.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Have you ever seen myth busters it is very interesting and fun show.last week i saw they were experimenting that how a cigarette can blow up the toilet.If the toilet is washed just 2 min before and if through your cigarette in toilet tube it may blow up so make sure all smokers that you don't blow up your toilet.Then by running in rain they also concluded that if walk in rain get less wet than running in rain.And last one was magic bullet made by ice.You guys may think how it can be possible but it is.president JFK was killed by magic bullet. this bullet is mare powerful than normal bullets but more expensive.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Reading Novels

As Barby told me in the beginning to read kite runner, it was very interesting. Then i also read thousand of splendid suns.This both novels are written by khaled Housseni. Today i finished the thousand of splendid suns.It was so interesting i can't spell my feelings about this two books.People out in world think Muslims are bad people , especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan.But who knows that there are so many families who suffered and suffering from Taliban and AL-Queda.i think you guys should read this two novels.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Diwali is big festival in my country.It is celebrated because lord Ram came back to his kingdom after killing Ravan.Ramayana teach us about truth and self protest.In India there are lots of festival.Different state have there own different festival.But Diwali is celebrated in all parts of India.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nitro Circus

Hay guys have ever watched the show nitro is really funny and unbelievable.In this show stunt mans do stunt on different things with different vehicles and sometime with kids toy also.Yesterday i saw a guy rolling on the skate board ramp with 5 year kid's bike . He was do stunt with that small bike. When i saw ,it was unbelievable.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


As you know what happened on 9/11.I am just adding some information in my blog about 9/11.
How they planed to converse with Al-Querida . The flight no. of one plan was Q33N .What i want you to do is copy this flight no. and paste in word.Now enlarge the font size Up to 72 and change font into windings. If see any thing amazing please reply me back.Miss Barby i know that you will read my blog but i want you to tell everybody to read my blog if you find this thing amazing.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Afghan thickheaded Army

Afghan two soldiers opened fire on u.s marines.They fired on two troops of international army, u.s marines .Two soldiers were killed and two were injured. what should i say about this thickheaded people that! the army came to help out afghan from Taliban and they backed fired on the army. but actually the investigation is going on why they opened fired on u.s marines.Some times i think this people should suffer from Taliban. but as i read kite runner , i have sympathy for some families who were deteriorate and are being deteriorate .

Heart Walk

I decided to go for heart walk . i am waiting for Barby's reply for me to go for heart walk. i questioned to myself , if i will not stand up today will i will be able to stand up tomorrow .I think if i will go to heart walk today , it feel confidence in me and to member of heart walk that " yes one m,ore person has been added to heart walk. friends think about i you refuse to hold your presence for heart walk or any small organisation today , will you be able to make decision for your country tomorrow ? I think we learned about many big personalty who started for small to grow up big . My perspective is "if you will do some thing today then only can do anything tomorrow ".