Sunday, December 13, 2009

Reduce the taxes

I was thinking about if obama's addmionsrtion reduce the tax on busniess.

I work in convenient store ,So I talk with different kinds of people.The one common thing I heard from them is, taxes of government and obviously unemployment.My cousin was also complaining about taxes.He has to pay taxes so he cannot afford a new employee.

So I want to suggest , if government reduces the taxes, so company can earn some profit.So companies can see little bit of more money. Then they can hire some more people.

Also government has lot of money to invest in market to bring the economy up.So if they reduce the taxes they will not crash down into loss.

Here's the plan reduce the taxes on several things of several percentage.Make a contract that year by year tax will increase little by little.So after sometimes economy goes up and unemployment goes down the taxes will increase by itself through the contract.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I read in newyork times

Something I read in new york times.

A wholesaler sales a clothe at $10 + $1 sales tax to the Tailor, so wholesaler can pay $1 sales tax to government.A Tailor sews a nice dress and sells it to store man.The store man has to pay $30+$3 sales tax to the Tailor, so Tailor can pay $3 sales tax to the government but he pays $2 instead of $3 because $1 is already paid by wholesaler.Now store man sold that dress to costumer at $50 + $5, sales tax.So he can pay $5 sales tax to government, but store man pays $2 to government because $2 + $1 is already paid by Tailor and wholesaler.

Can you tell me what did you understood?
If have question about this article than meet me on Monday with $10 + $1, sales tax.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I was feeling so sleepy before the class.I slept in bus and my head was swinging from right to left.I hit a guy next to me and I was like I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.I washed my face two times be awake in class.Today I was so tired. I am tired of doing job and going college everyday.I feel like when this thing going to be finished When I will get rest.I don't get rest on weekends also.Every day I have to wake up 5:00 in the morning.Every morning I wake up and think about sleeping back but I can't.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obama" war plan

Obama and the constitution approved to send 30000 soldiers instead of 10000 soldiers.This time Republican were supporting Obama's war plan.He gave lead time of 18 months, up to July 2011.NBC interviewed phone calls of several people.A 77 year old lady said," first I thought he is doing good job but not perfect, but now he his doing fair job than a better job".Some people liked to send more troops to Afghanistan but did any one asked to families of soldiers how do they feel.Did any ask to soldiers and their families who will be sent to Afghanistan that how do they feel.

what is your opinion about sending the troops to Afghanistan?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It was funny when Robert said about a guy eating a lot and drinking a diet coke. Actually i don't like diet coke it taste mare sweeter.I don't understand normally we can consume 40 gm of sugar.Many people drink and eat sugar more than 100 gm a day but nothing bothers to them.people like Daniel, Jeff, victor and me doesn't matter if consume 100 gm of sugar.I think it depends on person.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Diet dairy

yesterday I ate a lot in my lunch. I should start with bread.I ate whole wheat bread with fried vegetables.I ate rice plain and than fried rice.also i ate shrimp , shell fish , fish in buffet.The worst thing after eating all this things is I have to write in my 4 days diary.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Answer the Question

1 when and how the god was born ?
2 why we can see sun which is lacks of kilometers away from earth and why cant we see a man standing 1000 meters away?
3 what happens after we die? do we see hell, heaven or stay on earth as a gosht?
4 do god really exist in the world?give reason
5 i m fool to ask this kind of question or your the fool who don't know the answer?